Curatorial project, in the context of the artfair Parallel 23 Vienna;

Especially for Parallel 2023, DerBlödeDritteMittwoch conceived the project BLÖD UND UNDISZIPLINIERT with live performances and an on-going exhibition of artworks by artists who work across disciplines; who push against the limits and blur the boundaries between different fields and practices, creating work in a distinctively ‘undisciplined’ way. 

Undisciplined curators Arnold Haberl (aka Noid) and Anat Stainberg.

Undisciplined text by Katalin Erdődi and Anat Stainberg.


The undisciplined artist rebels against the binary and compartmentalized thinking around disciplines; they work in parallel situations, in the performative arts [music, theatre, performance…] as well as the visual arts [painting, sculpture, installation, video…], resulting in a transgressive and unruly flow and interplay of knowledge and practice. 

Many artists who are active across disciplines are artistically schizophrenic: traditionally educated in one field and autodidact in the other, they create work using completely separated sets of skills and knowledge, show work to different crowds, answer to diverse expectations, in different types of venues, using different forms of self-expression and presentation. 

Inhabiting these parallels is also their asset: it allows them to trespass established boundaries, to ‘smuggle’ skills and knowledge from one area into the other, to insist on experimentation and the constant questioning of established forms and practices.

With undisciplined contributions from: Sabine Marte, Karin Fisslthaler, Paul Gründorfer, Susanna Gartmayer, Maja Osojnik, Thea Soti/Verena Dürr/Christine Schörkhuber, Arnold Haber (/aka Noid), Milan Loviška, Dieter Kovačič (a.k.a. dieb13), Billy Roisz, Anat Stainberg, Joerg Piringer, Stefan Voglsinger/Patrizia Ruthensteiner, Maja Osojnik.

* The term ‘undisciplined’ in the arts was coined by Irit Rogoff; a theorist, teacher, curator and Professor of Visual Cultures at Goldsmiths, University of London. She advocates for art as an undisciplined practice that takes place in a zone of dis-identification, which is immensely productive: it becomes a way of expanding knowledge and developing new ways of thinking and doing that stands against the agenda of the neoliberal cognitive capitalism and the marketing-oriented art world.